How to run Provisioner

Before you run the Provisioner you have to check for the existence of Sun's java runtime JRE 1.5 or higher, and create the operation's queue in your RDBMS.

Also make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your Sun's JDK (1.5+) and that the JAVA_HOME/bin is in your path.

Starting the Provisioner

To start the Provisioner you have to execute the following command:

~/ start

This will check if Provisioner is already running. If not, it will launch a new instance of the Provisioner using the parameters configured in ~/provisioner.cfg.

Stopping the Provisioner

To stop the Provisioner you have to execute the following command:

~/ stop

This will check if Provisioner is running and send it a stop signal if it is running.

Verifying current Provisioner's status

To check whether the Provisioner system is running correctly or not you have to execute the following command:

~/ status

This will check if Provisioner is running and show its process ID if it is running.

Re-loading provisioning rules

If you have changed provisioning rules and want Provisioner to refresh its internal copy of them, execute the following command>

~/ refresh

This will check if Provisioner is running and send it a refresh signal if it is running. The Provisioner will then re-read and load rules, routes, responses and services configurations.

Modifying Provisioner's launch parameters

Provisioner requires 5 parameters to start running. This parameters allows you to tune Provisioner's execution. Note that the position of each parameter is relevant:

  • #1: Interval, in seconds, for searching new pending provisioning requirements (e.g. 60).
  • #2: Specify the maximum amount of consumer threads to be created (e.g. 4).
  • #3: Specify where the configuration files are stored (e.g. ~/conf/ note that this parameter should contain the / at the end).
  • #4: Specify country for the log and debug messages (e.g. US).
  • #5: Specify language for the log and debug messages (e.g. en).

    The value for these parameters should be configured in ~/provisioner.cfg.